Facts About How to Protect Yourself

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    1) Research

    Check Point Research reported a 38% increase in reported hacks in 2022,

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    2) More than 4,100 publicly disclosed data breaches (hacks) occurred in 2022.

    Equating to approximately 22 billion records being exposed. Cyber security publication Security Magazine reported that the figures for 2022 are expected to exceed this figure by as much as five percent.


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    3) How many computers are hacked each year?

    There isn't concise data on how many people get hacked a year. However, considering there are around 2,200 cyberattacks per day, that could equate to more than 800,000 people being hacked per year.


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    4) Hackers guessed the world’s most common password in under 1 second—make sure yours isn’t on the list.

    “123456″ and second is “123456789” 


    4) More common password:

1: 123456789    2: guest           3: qwerty          4: 12345678      5: 111111          6: 12345           7: col123456

8: 123123          9: 1234567        10: 1234           11: 234567890   12: 000000        13: 555555        14: 666666           

15: 123321        16: 654321        17: 7777777      18: 123

5) How many house fires occur per year in the United States?

An estimated 358,500   home fires occur every year.

  6)    CBS – 15 million U.S. homes are risk of flooding 70% higher than FEMA estimates.1.

  • Must have features for a Password Manager
  • 1) The ability to save password and a picture
  • 2)Your password records should be saved with miliary grade encryption.
  • 3) Each password record should have an option to have separate encryption keycode for each record.
  • 4) Accessible and portability across different platforms. (Windows, Android, Apple)
  • 5) Needs to be able to share password information in a secure way so others cannot see it on your device.
  • 6) The ability to back up your data off your computer and restore.
  • 7) It uses SSL connection.
  • 8) Does not mine your individual data (like Google).
  • 9) It’s Free forever.
  • 10) No activity alarm.

7) Works for Personal and Business use

8) ) A Safe way to share passwords.